
art: @K0TTERl on twitter


my profile ☆★

name is Kira
age: 18y
sexuality: bisexual

(≧▽≦) yesyesyes
anime, manhwa, manga, k-drama, art, music, edit
(¬¬") ? no thanks
abusive romance, pedophiles


lovelovelove !
✓ discuss on manhwas
✓ talk about new animes
✓ make new friends
✓ find nice people


love yourself

If you don´t like smut (+18) things, will hate if I post homosexual stories, will criticize my work without adding anything worth to it and if you don't read any of the things I listed up from likes.

Please be respectful with the others on the comment sections, if some content is triggering for you I alread apoligize, please warn me if something is wrong on the videos and also please don't like spam me ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ